Episode 105: Andrew Jenkins

Andrew Jenkins
Andrew Jenkins is the principal at Volterra which is Toronto based professional services firm, specializing in social selling training, social media strategy and outsourced social media management, He is committed to helping companies grow revenue and compete to win, through the use of social selling and social media strategies, Andrew is also #38 on the Social Selling Supremos Index, #36 on the Top 100 Influencers and Brands by Onalytica and one of the Top 30 People Rocking Social Selling by Pipeliner CRM.
Our Mission Is To Change The Negative Perception Of Sales People
Our Vision Is A World Where Selling Is A Profession To Be Proud Of
Key Takeaways From This Episode
[01.10] Andrew defines Social Selling – the use of social tools to identify prospects and nurture them along their decision making journey to a closed sale.
[01.38] Why haven’t some companies embraced social selling – it’s hyped and looks like work, some demographics see it as a social tool not a work tool.
[04.05] Which social media platforms should a modern sales professional be active in – Andrew shares the must use social media platforms and two new emerging social platforms to look out for.
[07.25] Are there any tools that you recommend as part of a successful social selling strategy – Andrew talks about the free Chrome extension called ‘Discoverly’.
[08.35] Andrew shares his top three social selling do’s and don’ts – Do customize messages, Don’t use the default messages.
[11.20] Andrew shares his favourite social selling story – Andrew shares his story which was featured by LinkedIn when they crossed the 10 million users mark in Canada.
[13.55] What advice would you give to a CEO who hasn’t made the leap of using social selling – Andrew talks about social CEO’s and the disruption that social media can cause in business.
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Audio Production and Show notes by
More About Andrew
What was the last book you read?
Pull, Networking and Success since Benjamin Franklin – Pamela Walker Laird
Who / What inspires you?
Entrepreneurs and Family.
What aspect of your own Social Selling program are you most focused on improving at the moment?
Prospecting, getting out of your own way to delegate and prospect.
Hobbies, Interests?
How can our listeners contact with you?
Twitter, LinkedIn email ajenkins@volterradigital.com
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