Episode 112: Dave Byrnes

Dave Byrnes
Dave Byrnes is an award-winning speaker, an author and a trainer. He is passionate about teaching sales to people who hate selling, Dave was featured in the ultimate guide to LinkedIn for Business by Ted Prodmorou, he is the Introverted Networker.
Our Mission Is To Change The Negative Perception Of Sales People
Our Vision Is A World Where Selling Is A Profession To Be Proud Of
Key Takeaways From This Episode
[00.50] Dave defines Social Selling – Social selling is an access tool to allow salespeople to gain access to customers
[01.18] Why haven’t some companies embraced social selling – Overwhelm, people pushing too many options and platforms. Proof of ROI is another reason.
[03.33] Which social media platforms should a modern sales professional be active in – Dave suggests its all about where your audience is. Intent, what is the audience using the platform for. Who and where. LinkedIn is Google for Professionals.
[05.35] Are there any tools that you recommend as part of a successful social selling strategy – Dave suggests the most basic tool is just having a plan. Social post scheduler, content aggregators like ‘pocket’, text expander which helps you to quickly create keyboard shortcuts, SEO support tools.
[08.00] Dave shares his top three social selling do’s and don’ts – Don’ts: Don’t immediately sell after connecting, Do: treat prospects like human beings. Don’t: Post content that screams buy my stuff. Do: Give people value in those posts. Don’t: Treat linkedin like a resume. Do: spend as much time as you can talking about your prospect and their problems.
[10.58] Dave shares his favourite social selling story – Dave shares a story where he was able to leverage social selling to build a great long-term relationship.
[12.55] What advice would you give to a CEO who hasn’t made the leap of using social selling – Dave suggests the CEO should work out who their audience is and where they are.
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Audio Production and Show notes by
More About Dave
What was the last book you read?
Contagious: Why Things Catch On by Jonah Berger
Who / What inspires you?
People who are constantly learning and trying new things.
What aspect of your own Social Selling program are you most focused on improving at the moment?
Building better templates and formulas to build content for social selling. In particular, how to help people capture the value from all the experiences and interactions we have every day and turn them into content people find valuable and want to share.
Hobbies, Interests?
Rugby, marketing, storytelling, humour.
How can our listeners contact with you?
www.introvertednetworker.com, http://www.linkedin.com/in/davebyrnes, @iamdavebyrnes on Twitter.
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