Episode 127: Manoj Ramnani

Manoj Ramnani
Manoj Ramnani is the founder and CEO at Sales Intel IO, which is a sales intelligence platform for sales and marketing professionals. Manoj founded Sales Intel IO with the mission to enable companies to accelerate growth by providing them with accurate and accessible data and intelligence that they need to drive revenue. The human verified contacts and company information can easily be accessed online and integrated seamlessly to your CRM tool.
Our Mission Is To Change The Negative Perception Of Sales People
Our Vision Is A World Where Selling Is A Profession To Be Proud Of
[01.11] Manoj defines Artificial Intelligence – as the ability to allow the machine to make the decisions as if they had the same level of intelligence as a human being. The processing of the machine has matured from just processing to what it has been taught to now where we are asking machines to make decisions based on looking at patterns.
[01.52] Manoj explains how AI will impact professional Selling – Manoj feels that AI is already within the sales process and will not replace the human and interpersonal interaction aspect in the sales cycle, it will however make lives more efficient.
[03.47] What advice would you give to an organization considering using AI in their sales process – Manoj shares the same advice he gives to his sales leaders which is that AI is coming, it’s already here, so don’t ignore it, start using the small applications of AI to become more familiar with it so you don’t miss the boat when it finally here. Make sure you have the right expectation and start using it.
[04.52] Which AI Platforms are you currently using or considering – Manoj shares that every platform you look at has a component of AI, they use Sales Force, Dream Force, Hubspot. Manoj also uses their own platform – SalesIntel. They are also in the process of evaluating Conversica.
[06.30] Manoj shares his top three Sales AI do’s and don’ts – Don’t ignore AI, it’s coming faster than you think, do use AI with a clear expectation, it’s not going replace the human or close the deal for you but it will make you more efficient – Because AI is relatively new do use AI more at the top of the funnel process and then use with more caution as you proceed further down the sales process where the risk of losing a deal is greater.
[09.45] Manoj shares his favourite AI Sales Success story – on an individual level Manoj shares a story where the Gmail for Google small Business helps to automatically completing his sentences when writing e-mails which Manoj finds that it increases his efficiency, as it learned his patterns and language. Another example of AI success Manoj shares is an app that helped sort out of date contact information which became invaluable when his business started to grow.
[11.30] Which AI platforms should we be looking out for – Manoj suggests looking at Conversica, but they are lots of platforms from Sales Force, Hubstop that are bringing components of AI to its users. And then obviously there is SalesIntel IO.
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What was the last book you read?
Blitz Scaling by Ried Hoffman
Who / What inspires you?
Jeff Bezos. Build something out of nothing with the relentless focus on providing value to your customer.
What aspect of your own sales process are you most focused on improving at the moment?
Top of the funnel demand generation.
Hobbies, Interests?
Love to read. Love to run. Have done few half marathons. next is a full marathon…soon!
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