Episode 181: Christopher Ryan

Christopher Ryan
Christopher Ryan is a revenue growth expert. Chris is founder and CEO of Fusion Marketing Partners and a proven expert in B2B marketing, revenue modeling, branding and new product and service initiatives. He has authored six books on marketing and revenue growth, and is a frequent speaker on programs like the Sales Expert Channel.
Our Mission Is To Change The Negative Perception Of Sales People
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Goal alignment in business can be a powerful tool. It’s not only a tool—but a necessity. Are the different departments working in unison? Are you part of a sales team at war with the marketing team? If you’re ready to become more productive and ready to find ways to align with the goals of your company, listen to this episode now!
Christopher Ryan joins Paul to share his experience with goal alignment and how it was the key to his success. He is the CEO, founder, and Revenue Growth Catalyst and Execution Expert at Fusion Marketing partners. He is an expert in B2B marketing and helping businesses grow their revenue.
Outline of This Episode
- [1:00] Christopher Ryan shares what productivity means to him
- [1:55] Why aren’t salespeople effective?
- [4:55] What are the attributes of a productive salesperson?
- [7:20] Tools, strategies, and tactics
- [10:05] Top 3 productivity do’s and top 3 don’ts
- [14:30] Christopher’s favorite productivity story
Knowledge and a desire to serve will set you apart
A productive salesperson also needs to master their niche. They should have deep product and domain knowledge. They know how to bring information and resources to the table that a competitor can’t match.
A sales representative doesn’t need to be aggressive. In fact, Christopher points out that the best sales professionals have a desire to serve. They are people who really want to help, not just make a sale. They’ve mastered the art of friendly persistence and the ability to sell without offending the prospect.
Above all else, they recognize that their prospects are human beings. Human beings who aren’t looking for a transaction, but a relationship, a rapport. Successful salespeople have pleasing personalities—they want their prospects to feel happy and confident with the relationship.
Christopher’s favorite tools + tactics
Christopher shares his top 4 solutions for helping a sales professional stay productive. What are they?
- Use a CRM system: It helps keep you organized. It is a tool to help capture everything you’re trying to keep in your head.
- Use a calendar tool: Christopher recommends Calendly or any tool that makes it easy for prospects to book time with you.
- Content Management System (CMS): What resources do you need at certain points in the sales cycle to facilitate the process of selling? Organize it here.
- Find a content curation system: gather information so you understand what’s being talked about and what will help your prospects.
Christopher’s top 3 productivity do’s and don’ts
Christopher brought so much value in this episode and shared some of his best productivity hacks. These are the top 3 things he believes you must do:
- Understand and promote a unique brand promise. If you are different, unique, and offer something of value your product is set apart.
- Work closely with your marketing division. You must agree on a process and recognize you’re on the same team.
- Plug revenue leakages. What leads weren’t followed up on? Was something handled outside of the system? Make the process easier.
What things shouldn’t you do?
- Don’t waste valuable time with unqualified prospects. Make sure you’re talking to the right people.
- Don’t do your own lead qualification. Allow your sales development team to handle this part of the process.
- Never stay in an unpleasant or hostile business. Don’t be afraid to leave. Happy and healthy employees produce the best results.
Why goal alignment is so important
Christopher was the VP of marketing at a software company. The business didn’t have good processes in place. Sales reps were unhappy—and unproductive. With full permission, he met with his sales counterpart. They worked together to establish joint goals, defined what a qualified lead was, and implemented a nurturing process.
The aligned their vision and goals. It changed everything.
The cost to acquire a lead dropped from $150 to $65. They went from less than 50% lead follow-up to over 90%. Lead leakage was lowered to less than 10%. That is the power of discipline and goal alignment.
Christopher confidently stated, “If you put your minds together and look forward in the same direction, and have joint goals, you can do anything”.
Resources & People Mentioned
Connect with Christopher Ryan
Connect With Paul Watts
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More About Christopher
What was the last book you read?
The TOP Sales Leader Playbook by Lisa Magnuson. Personal reading: a novel based on the life of Ghengis Kahn.
Who / What inspires you?
I get inspired by professionals who are willing to push the envelope and not just default to the way they have always done things.
Are there any aspects of your own productivity skills that you are working on improving at the moment?
Yes, I am working on dealing better with distractions and maintaining greater focus on important (not necessarily urgent) matters.
Hobbies, Interests?
Yep, I have lots of these. Living in Colorado, I love to hike, bike ride and occasionally kayak. Travel is also a big part of my life and I enjoy playing acoustic guitar.
How can our listeners contact with you?
They can reach me at cryan(at)fusionmarketingpartners.com or by phone at 719-357-6280.
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