Episode 026: Dave Kurlan

Dave Kurlan
Dave Kurlan is an award-winning Sales Blogger, a Top-Rated Speaker, a Best-Selling author and a 2012 inductee into the Sales & Marketing Hall of Fame. He is also the CEO of Objective Management Group which is global sales assessment company.
Our Mission Is To Change The Negative Perception Of Sales People
Our Vision Is A World Where Selling Is A Profession To Be Proud Of
Key Takeaways From This Episode
[00.45] The Doctor of Sales is in the House – Dave shares his journey into sales from an aspiring career in medicine.
[03.11] How is Selling going to Change in the Future – Sales people are becoming obsolete if they are not bringing value, ‘the salesperson has to be the value’.
[08.30] The Key Attributes of a Modern Successful Sales Professional – Sales DNA, The will to sell, their motivation to sell. The absence of self-limiting-beliefs.
[11.57] Dave’s Top Three Sales Do’s and Don’ts – Ask a lot of questions, have the tough conversation, when things aren’t going the right way, try another approach.
[12.30] Dave’s Most Satisfying Sales Pursuit and Lesson – Dave hates to lose, his great lessons have come from the losses in his career.
[15.16] Dave’s Advice to His Younger Self – Take it more seriously, because you are going to be doing this for the rest of your life.
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More About Dave
What is your all time favourite sales-related movie?
Tommy Boy
Favourite sales related quote?
Successful people are successful because they form the form the habits of doing those things that failures don’t like to do – Albert Gray
Which sales book has had the most positive impact on you?
The Way of the Peaceful Warrior – Dan Millman
Who or What inspires you?
My Son, He has Spirit and Talent and My Wife, who is the smartest person I know.
What aspect of your own personal development are you most focussed on improving at the moment?
Hobbies, Interests?
Watching and filming my son play baseball and basketball
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