Episode 081: Jeff Koser
Jeff Koser
Jeff Koser is the founder and CEO of Selling to Zebras, which is a sales enablement software platform which helps organizations quickly identify opportunities that have a low chance of closing so your sales team can focus on the ones that they have the greatest chance of success with. He is also the author of the bestselling book Selling to Zebras, How to close 90% of the business you pursue, faster more easily and more profitably.
Our Mission Is To Change The Negative Perception Of Sales People
Our Vision Is A World Where Selling Is A Profession To Be Proud Of
Key Takeaways From This Episode
[01.06] Jeff shares his journey into sales – Jeff shares how Proctor and Gamble inspired his move into sales.
[02.00] How Has Selling Changed – “What keeps you up at night?” does not work today, what should be keeping me up at night does!
[06.43] The Key Attributes of a Modern Successful Sales Professional – They understand the business problem that they solve, then understand the people who have this problem (Zebras), ensure that the promises that your client had to make to get your order approved are met.
[08.35] Jeff’s Top Three Sales Do’s and Don’ts – Do’s: Do you homework, collaboratively agree on the buying process, sell your organizational capabilities. Don’ts: Don’t do activity for the sake of activity, don’t sell to aardvarks, don’t join or stay with a sales organization that doesn’t fit your philosophy.
[13.08] Jeff’s Most Satisfying Sales Pursuit and Lesson – Jeff shares his first major sale in the US for a European ERP system, learning a valuable lesson that commitment from a customer is not something you should shy away from.
[16.15] Jeff’s Advice to His Younger Self – Start reading sales books sooner, especially his most recent book – The Hero Method from Kathryn Gillett
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More About Jeff
What is your all time favourite sales-related movie?
Love & Other Drugs, 2010
Favourite sales related quote?
If you can’t articulate your business case you haven’t earned the right to ask for the order, Kevin Calderwood, President of Baan USA
Which sales book has had the most positive impact on you?
Power Based Selling & Johnathan Livingston Seagull
Who / What inspires you?
Ester Hicks, www.abraham-hicks.com
What aspect of your own personal development are you most focussed on improving at the moment?
Increasing my power to “get in” – open more doors; faster.
Hobbies, Interests?
Boating, water skiing, canoeing and snow shoeing
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