Episode 117: Patrick Tinney

Social Selling, Embrace Positive Risk


Patrick Tinney

Patrick Tinney is an author, a speaker and a sales and negotiation trainer. His two books Unlocking Yes and Perpetual Hunger are must-haves for anyone serious about their professional development in sales. Patrick is also one of the sales experts on the Sales Experts Channel and a keen social selling practitioner.

Our Mission Is To Change The Negative Perception Of Sales People

Our Vision Is A World Where Selling Is A Profession To Be Proud Of

[00.56] Patrick defines Social Selling – It’s a pop-up meeting with selling in the middle of it.

[01.28] Why haven’t some companies embraced social selling  – Patrick believes that there is a real reluctance for companies to step outside of the box.  Patrick believes that social selling is an amazing opportunity to convert more people over to your company faster.

[02.41] Which social media platforms should a modern sales professional be active in – LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube and Podcasts.  Patrick’s go to social media platforms are LinkedIn, and Twitter although Patrick is leaning more and more towards YouTube.

[03.50] Are there any tools that you recommend as part of a successful social selling strategy – Patrick shares a golf analogy about scheduling tools, he suggests that he can’t be creative into the future, he is creative in the present to ensure that he is in step with the mood of the clients in the present.

[05.12] Patrick shares his top three social selling do’s and don’ts – Do’s – Create great original content, remember your brand isn’t built in a day (we are the summation of our promises), Do stay with it and experiment (embrace positive risk), Be open to people (we are talking to a global community). Don’ts – Don’t be self-serving (help others), Don’t be critical of other people, (Don’t bully or badger people), Don’t give up (Just keep ploughing forward).

[10.23] Patrick shares his favourite social selling story – Patrick shares a story about a friend he made through social media called Peter A Morrell, who reached out and connected on LinkedIn, but Patrick then reached out and spoke with Peter on the phone, they later met at one of Patrick’s book signing events and something amazing unfolded.

[12.50] What advice would you give to a CEO who hasn’t leaped using social selling – Patrick suggests that innovation is moving at the fastest pace it has ever done in the history of the world and he states that if you are not keeping pace with innovation that you are moving backwards, and in business if a CEO allows this to happen to their business what else will they allow to happen?

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More About Patrick

What was the last book you read?
“Sales Differentiation” by Lee B. Salz

Who / What inspires you?
A) My family B) Deb Calvert C) Anthony Iannarino D) Jeb Blount E) Bob Burg F) Brian Tracy G) James Muir H) Mark Hunter

What aspect of your own Social Selling program are you most focused on improving at the moment?
“Video” Must get better!!

Hobbies, Interests?
A) Geopolitics, B) Biz Reading and C)Stock Trading

How can our listeners contact with you?
A) Biz phone 1-705-657-2518 B) patrick@centroidmarketing.com C) www.centroidmarketing.com D) LinkedIn E) Twitter #Centroideals

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