Episode 119: Viveka Von Rosen
Viveka Von Rosen
Viveka von Rosen is Cofounder of Vengreso, the largest provider of full spectrum digital sales transformation solutions. Known as the @LinkedInExpert, she’s author of the best-selling LinkedIn Marketing: An Hour a Day & LinkedIn: 101 Ways to Rock Your Personal Brand!”. She is a contributing expert to LinkedIn’s official Sales and Marketing blogs and their “Sophisticated Marketer’s” Guides and is often called on to contribute to publications like Fast Company, Forbes, Money, Entrepreneur, The Social Media Examiner. Viveka takes the LinkedIn and social selling experience over the past 12 years and transforms it into engaging and informational digital sales strategies, tactics, and tools including personal branding, social selling training, and content for sales.
Our Mission Is To Change The Negative Perception Of Sales People
Don’t Be Like Blockbuster!
Episode #119: Viveka Von Rosen
Our Vision Is A World Where Selling Is A Profession To Be Proud Of
[01.15] Viveka defines Social Selling – is the combination of your brand that you create online, the content that you share to position yourself as an expert and thought leader amongst your audience and the conversations you have in order to build that audience and to further position yourself as an expert within it.
[02.11] Why haven’t some companies embraced social selling – it’s a combination of fear of the tools themselves, and the time investment to learn the tools . Viveka also feels that some people are hesitant as they still think that social selling is social media, they still think that social media as being Facebook and Instagram and Snapchat, platforms that kids use.
[04.39] Which social media platforms should a modern sales professional be active in –Viveka feels that you should be on the platforms where your clients are. For example, for B2B sales LinkedIn and Twitter would be the best choice, and for B2C sales then Instagram and Facebook would be a better fit. Viveka also recommends great sales stack tools like Salesforce, Hubspot, Nimble and CRM systems, Agorapulse and Hootsuite to help support your social selling efforts.
[05.48] Are there any tools that you recommend as part of a successful social selling strategy – Viveka shares that she uses tools that fit in best with what she’s already doing, for example Hubspot, Nimble, Sales Navigator, Seamless AI and CrystalKnows.
[08.11] Viveka shares her top three social selling do’s and don’ts – Do’s – use video (and don’t), do so if you are comfortable being in front of the camera and don’t use video if you are not!! Other do’s are try to get to the conversation, engage with your audience, post regularly and follow up with people who comment on your posts. Do make use of share pods ie Linkedin messenger to prompt close colleagues, family, friends to share, like your posts and links and vice versa. Don’ts – ignore people who comment on your post,
[13.09] Viveka shares her favourite social selling story – Viveka shares two stories illustrating how a tiny notification on social media led to the closure of 6-7 figure deals for companies.
[15.16] What advice would you give to a CEO who hasn’t leaped using social selling – Viveka suggests to look at your competition who are using social selling, you don’t want to be the next Blockbuster!!! Stay ahead of your competition, the modern buyer is so smart, educated and socially savvy, you need to be at least just as savvy or you will loose them.
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More About Viveka
What was the last book you read?
Read all the way through??? Does anyone do that anymore? I just received Done Right from Alex Shootman, Workfront President and CEO! I’m excited to read it since both our companies serve the Digital Modern Seller and what they need to thrive in the modern workspace. I’m fortunately to know a lot of authors – so I have a bookshelf full of awesome business books I’ve read and have yet to read! For fun I’m also reading The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know is Possible by Charles Eisenstein – because who doesn’t need a little light reading about Quantum Physics in their lives?
Who / What inspires you?
I’m inspired by people who excel at things they are passionate about – especially if it’s something I can’t do (yet). Musicians, dancers, artists, inspirational speakers, business leaders, etc. From people like our own CEO, Mario Martinez, Jr. to the singers competing on The Voice, or the athletes in Cirque du Soliel!
What aspect of your own Social Selling program are you most focused on improving at the moment?
Well – the whole thing! We are revamping and relaunching our Social Selling program called “Selling with LinkedIn.” for release in early 2019. After extensive research we found a Learning Management Platform that will allow us to deliver the most up to date, interactive and thorough LinkedIn social selling program on the market!
Hobbies, Interests?
I live in Colorado, so hiking and skiing. I’ve also recently taken up hang-gliding again. And love to go SCUBA diving whenever possible. Although not in CO
How can our listeners contact with you?
Viveka@Vengreso.com for any direct questions. And you can get access to much of our content for free! Our blog is vengreso.com/blog and you can also FollowonLinkedIn.com, FollowonYouTube.com or JoinonTwitter.com
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