Episode 131: Shawn Karol Sandy

Shawn Karol Sandy
Shawn Karol Sandy is the Founder and Chief Revenue Officer of the Selling Agency, where their main mission is to coach humans how to sell to other humans, because selling like robots or jerks is so 2010. Her team works with hungry sales organisations looking to scale through deep differentiation and smartly executed go to market strategies. Shawn is the co-host of the video cast ‘The Sell Out Show’ and performs the show live at sales conferences and industry events with her co-host Dianna Geairn. She is also the author and founder of ‘The Bad Ass Skills Builder’ series weekly desk top challenge for sales pros to improving skills and long term results.
Our Mission Is To Change The Negative Perception Of Sales People
Our Vision Is A World Where Selling Is A Profession To Be Proud Of
[01.22] Shawn defines Negotiation –the process with which we try to equate cost with value, its how budgets align goals with outcomes and price.
[03.09] Why don’t some salespeople don’t like to negotiate and what can we do to change this – Shawn feels that it is seen as conflict, like a game where there is a winner and a loser, which causes a lot of internal conflict going into that. It should be more thought of as how can we balance the negotiation appreciating what your buyers want to get out of it with what you have to offer, knowing that you have the right target customers.
[04.09] How do you plan and execute a high stakes negotiation – Shawn shares that she uses six ways to make negotiation less painful, the main part being preparation, prequalify harder, do due diligence, be transparent, understand why buyers ask for discount and move away from price to value, and then be prepared to walk away.
[08.18] What are the attributes of a good sales negotiator – Shawn feels that confidence, patience and preparation are the main attributes of a good sales negotiator.
[09.32] Are there any negotiation tools, tactics or strategies to help negotiate – Shawn shares that being prepared, thinking through all the different ways people could push back and going through all the steps in the sales process, being transparent, asking questions if you have any challenges will help you in the end.
[13.03] Shawn shares her top three negotiation Do’s and Don’ts – Shawn’s top three Do’s include: pre qualify harder, understand why they are asking and be ready to walk away. Top three don’ts include don’t wing it!!, don’t cave!!! And lastly don’t fidget….don’t let your body language give you away!!
[14.47] Shawn shares her favourite negotiation story – as a consultant Shawn had hand picked a client, had pre qualified the opportunity and knew exactly what she wanted out from the relationship. All her preparation paid off and impressed the client, so when it came to negotiating the deal Shawn didn’t need to say anything, other than she doesn’t negotiate!!!!
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More About Shawn Karol Sandy
What was the last book you read?
The Power of Moments by Chip Heath and Dan Heath
Who / What inspires you?
Athletes and Underdogs inspire me. There are so many phenomenal stories to learn from. I’m kind of obsessed with human performance and capabilities. Grit and mental strength to train and overcome physical limitations, mental fortitude to never quit, charisma and influence to pull together a team … they fascinate me personally but these examples translate to building sales skills and being more amazing sellers. A few examples, Former Navy Seal turned Ultra Runner, David Goggins, 22 year old Toni Harris, who at 18 beat Ovarian Cancer and has become the first woman to receive a Non Kicker Football Scholarship, 5′ 6″ Becky Hammon who was an unlikely WNBA star but played for 15 years and now is an assistant coach in the NBA for the San Antonio Spurs … and on and on!
What aspect of your own Social Selling program are you most focused on improving at the moment?
Working video into social and all aspects of my sales and training processes. It’s an exceptional tool – finding the right balance that doesn’t strike the “campy” or “gimmicky” notes.
Hobbies, Interests?
I love travel to gorgeous places and hiking new mountains or running muddy trails. Recently learned to surf and love it. I could play volleyball 8 hours a day (beach or indoor) like it was my J.O.B. Watercolor and acrylic painting is my therapy.
How can our listeners contact with you?
I’m everywhere, like Batman: thesellingagency.com, @SellingAgency on twitter, sks@thesellingagency.com, The SellOut Show on YouTube (subscribe!) and LinkedIn – Shawn Karol Sandy
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