Episode 161: Kevin Dixon

Kevin Dixon
Kevin is the founder of Boxxstep, a Buyer Relationship Management, the Buyer Enablement platform for complex and enterprise sales which focuses on the before and after in the opportunity management process. Prior to Boxxstep, Kevin spent 20 years in executive sales leadership roles with global tech companies like Ericsson, Siemens and Logica. Kevin was also the EVP of Sales and board member for a successful software start-up elara, who were the original pioneers of app download to mobile devices before Apple and Google solutions.
Our Mission Is To Change The Negative Perception Of Sales People
Our Vision Is A World Where Selling Is A Profession To Be Proud Of
[01.20] Kevin defines the term ‘Sales Technology Stack’ – As any sales software that will help individuals, teams, or companies achieve and exceed revenue and sales KPIs. However, Kevin prefers to refer to the sales tech as a revenue stack, calling it the revenue stack makes it accountable and measurable in terms of results as it was intended to achieve.
[02.21] Why is it so important for businesses today to have a solid sales technology stack? – Because selling has become tougher, there’s more competition, it’s more complex and there are more people involved. The benefit of software makes the role more efficient and more effective.
[03.04] Kevin explains why salespeople resist taking on new technologies as part of their day-to-day sales roles – It is actually not just new technologies. CRM isn’t new and they’re still resistant to using this. A lot of salespeople view sales platforms as administration tasks and see this as taking them away from valuable selling time.
[05.14] Kevin discusses some sales technologies that modern sales professionals should be using as a minimum – there are many out there some are more applicable to others depending upon the type of salesperson and the product you sell.
[06.50] What are the attributes of a good sales professional – For Kevin, subject matter and domain expertise is on the top of his list!
[08.40] Kevin shares his top three Sales Technology Stack Do’s and Don’ts – Some of Kevin’s do’s and don’ts include don’t buy any solutions in isolation of an overall stack strategy. The average is around five point sales applications being used by reps and CRM is the foundation, with a bunch of stuff that sits around it. In most cases they’ve been purchased as a tactical response rather than thinking about how they collectively contribute to great results. Also don’t become sheep and just buy what others buy, higher market share and highly visible brands doesn’t make it the right tool for you. Build a stack around your clearly defined and established sales process.
[11.28] Kevin shares his favourite sales story that incorporated the use of Modern Sales Technology – using an example form one of his own customers Kevin shares an ‘a ha ‘ moment when using Box Step allowed them to know, what they didn’t and should have known….their prospects.
[13.37] 30 second Pitch Slap – Kevin pitches Box Step, a buyer relationship management and buyer enablement platform for complex and enterprise sales.
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More About Kevin
What was the last book you read?
I’m not a prolific reader but I am currently reading Buyer Centred Selling by Tom Williams and Tom Saine. There are so many seller centric books available that I’m always excited about books that focus on how salespeople need to become more buyer-centric.
Who / What inspires you?
Unsung heroes, normal people with acts of kindness, bravery or generosity that make you reflect on your own contributions to life and society. Those that don’t seek publicity, profile, exposure or reward, they just do great things for man and beast.
What aspect of your Sales Technology Stack are you most focused on at the moment?
It’s probably no surprise to state that I’m focused on making Boxxstep even better for B2B sales teams :0)How you manage buyer team relationships is incredibly important, including the opportunity engagement, the collaboration in the decision and buying process and getting feedback after the decision.
Hobbies, Interests?
Anything sports-related. I’m a huge Leeds United Fan as well as the Seattle Seahawks in the NFL, but I also love Rugby, Cricket and Golf.
I played all of them to a decent level, including American Football in the UK for the Brighton B52’s. I even played against the current New Orleans Saints Super Bowl winning head coach Sean Payton back in the mid 80’s when he played over here for a UK team).
These days my participation is limited to golf and I’m captain of the club team.
How can our listeners contact with you?
The usual methods, either email me via kevin@boxxstep.com or connect with me on LinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevindixonuk/
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