More About Joanne Black

What was the last book you read?
Talking to Strangers by Malcolm Gladwell

Who / What inspires you?
My grandchildren inspire me. Being with children brings me back to what’s important—family, caring, laughing, joy, and sharing their lives as they grow. Travel inspires me. Travel brings history alive, and it’s the most amazing learning experience. It’s not just about visiting sites but more about the people, their struggles and successes. It’s like completing a painting that’s been started. I’ve been in awe at the Great Wall of China, hiking in Patagonia, being in Hungary (my grandparents’ native country), and most recently the awe I felt standing on Omaha Beach.

Are there any aspects of your prospecting and lead generation skills that you are working on improving at the moment?
Time blocking—especially on office days. It’s so easy to let time slip by and forget my mantra: Do what’s closest to cash every day.

Hobbies, Interests?
Walking, hiking, swimming, travel. My sister and I have been traveling together for 17 years. We’ve been to amazing places.

How can our listeners contact with you?
joanne(at) or 415-461-8763 AND invite me to connect on LinkedIn with a personal message that you listened to the podcast and what you learned.