Episode 322: Kendra Lee

Kendra Lee
Kendra Lee is author of The Sales Magnet and founder of KLA Group, a sales and marketing agency that takes the mystery out of growth for small and medium companies.
Our Mission Is To Change The Negative Perception Of Sales People
Our Vision Is A World Where Selling Is A Profession To Be Proud Of
A prospect needs to see themself in a solution to believe it’s possible for them. Storytelling is what helps your prospects put themselves in whatever situation that you’re talking about. When they can relate to the story and hear what the moral is, they’re more likely to move forward. But you have to tell the right story. And according to Kendra Lee, the key to choosing the right story is listening. Learn how she utilizes this simple tool to realize extraordinary results in this episode of Sales Reinvented!
Outline of This Episode
- [0:43] Why storytelling is an important skill for salespeople
- [1:26] Can you become a gifted storyteller?
- [2:20] The ingredients of a great story that sells
- [3:28] The characteristics of a good storyteller
- [6:11] Resources to improve your storytelling
- [8:28] Kendra’s storytelling dos and don’ts
- [11:00] Maintain control of your narrative
The ingredients of a great story that sells
According to Kendra, you have to begin with the problem that the prospect or client has. Start with a common problem of the hero of your story. Share in detail—using emotional words—what the hero went through trying to solve that problem. You have to infuse feeling words into your story. Then you must share what the result was and what happened when they solved their problem. The beginning, middle, and end must be related to the prospect.
Listening is the key to stories that sell
Kendra believes great storytellers are great listeners. You can’t throw in a story in your sales conversation just because it sounds good. You have to listen to what you are hearing in the sales situation. What will help your prospect or client relate to what you’re talking about?
You can’t do that if you’re thinking about yourself, when you’re going to say what, etc. You have to immerse yourself in what your prospect is saying and imagine yourself in their situation before inserting a story. Listen and draw upon your memory to share something relatable.
Kendra’s storytelling dos and don’ts
Kendra shares some poignant dos and don’ts that every salesperson should keep in mind:
- Listen so you can relate a story to what your prospect was telling you. You need to connect the dots for them.
- Don’t worry about the length of your story. Use whatever time you need to tell the story while keeping them engaged.
- Wrap up a story and relay it back to them. Tell them what you’re gonna tell them, tell them, and then tell them what you told them. Sometimes they get so ingrained in the story that they forget why you were telling it!
- Don’t rush when you’re telling a story. Use your voice to help prospects get involved.
- Don’t be droll or boring.
- Don’t forget to check in with them to see if they understood the point of the story.
Why you want to maintain control of your narrative
When Kendra was a brand new sales rep and nowhere near reaching her quota, her manager offered to come with her on a sales call to help close the sale. When they arrived, Kendra’s manager asked to speak privately with the prospect. She came out of the office with a sly smile on her face. Kendra asked what she had told the prospect.
Her manager had told the prospect that Kendra was a brand new sales rep and that it would be important for her to get a sale. She implored him to sign the order so Kendra could make her first sale for the year. Kendra was horrified. She has never forgotten that experience and vowed to never put herself in the situation again.
She emphasizes that it’s up to you to control your client conversations—even when your manager is with you. You can be the one telling the stories and setting up the situation. Kendra could have gone in and been part of that conversation and controlled the narrative.
Resources & People Mentioned
Connect with Kendra Lee
Connect With Paul Watts
Audio Production and Show notes by
Learn More About Kendra Lee
In the field of Business Story Telling – Who do you most admire and why? Brynne Tillman for her expertise in LinkedIn Navigator and Julie Hansen for her guidance in how to sell on video.
Are there any aspects of your own Story Telling skills that you are working on improving at the moment? Emotional intelligence to be able to convey it through the digital sales process. People are easily distracted with digital so they may miss how you are trying to relate to them.
Hobbies, Interests? I love being outdoors. I run every day rain or shine, with my dog, of course. In winter, I’m an avid skier.
How can our listeners contact with you? Call! 303-741-6636, Email: Kendra.lee(at)klagroup.com or on LinkedIn
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