Episode #390: Andy Paul

Andy Paul
Andy Paul, renowned for hosting The Win Rate Podcast and the successful Sales Enablement series, is a distinguished author with three Amazon best-sellers, including “Sell Without Selling Out.” With a record of $600 million in tech sales and founder of Zero-Time Selling, his podcasts and books are vital resources for sales professionals around the world.
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Commitment to creating content consistently is key when it comes to a LinkedIn profile that sells. Those who successfully build followings share original and compelling content with a unique point of view. Andy shares how he built a following of over 150,000 people in this episode of Sales Reinvented.
Outline of This Episode
- [1:00] Why a compelling LinkedIn profile is important
- [1:52] It’s your content that attracts potential buyers
- [5:38] How to tell your professional story on LinkedIn
- [7:53] Balancing professionalism and personality
- [9:23] How often to update your LinkedIn profile
- [11:30] Tools to improve your LinkedIn profile
- [13:39] Andy’s top LinkedIn profile dos and don’ts
- [18:45] How consistent content creation built Andy’s brand
It’s your content that attracts potential buyers
According to Andy, the business of selling is the business of probabilities. You want to increase your chances of winning the deal. How do you differentiate yourself? Your opinions and your point of view. 92% of buyers look at a seller’s LinkedIn profile before they talk to them for the first time. What story will they see on your profile?
Every little thing you do should be geared toward the probability of winning the deal. You start with a largely true assumption: the products are perceived as largely indistinguishable. The seller is the differentiator. What are you doing to make yourself stand out? Andy looks to see how frequently someone is putting out new content.
How to tell your professional story on LinkedIn
Andy’s #1 tip: Don’t have chatGPT write for you. People can spot what’s been written by AI. And just because it can write something doesn’t mean it will be in your voice. You are your brand. The content you create needs to reflect you.
He also points out that you don’t have to write an article every day. Write about what you’re thinking about. Write about an article you read that you agree or disagree with. You have to write to find your voice. It’s only through the work that you put in that you land on the voice that’s most effective for you. Whatever you do just has to be authentic.
You also need to show up and comment on other people’s feeds. Your brand on LinkedIn is something you can take with you your entire career. What do you want it to be? Start somewhere.
Andy’s top LinkedIn profile dos and don’ts
Andy’s strategy is content-forward:
- Commit to creating content: Write about what you’re doing that’s relevant to building your brand.
- Consistently create content: Get into the habit of writing consistently. The act of writing teaches you things about what you believe as a human. You have to express yourself and gain perspectives from others. You want the story that you’re creating to get your prospective buyers to go, “That’s someone I want to talk to.”
- Engage with others (on your content and theirs): Pay attention to what people are responding to. Engage with them. You’re learning as much from them as they are from you. When you build engagement, you build a following of people who are engaged with you as a brand.
Listen to find out what his don’ts are!
How consistent content creation built Andy’s brand
When Andy started his first podcast in 2015, he had virtually no followers on LinkedIn. His podcast forced him to start posting more frequently and create engaging content. Over the next five years, he gained 150,000 followers.
Many people will read a LinkedIn post about a podcast episode and remember actually listening to the episode. Why not create a compelling post around each episode? Andy’s first podcast was acquired in 2020. The initial contact from the buyer was made through LinkedIn because the acquirer found value in his engaged following on the platform.
Resources & People Mentioned
- How to Sell through LinkedIn by Mike Schultz
- Shield Analytics
- Justin Welsh’s LinkedIn Course
- ChatGPT
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Learn More About Andy Paul
Are there any definitive guides or resources you recommend for crafting an effective LinkedIn profile? Course on writing for LinkedIn by Justin Welsh.
In the realm of LinkedIn branding and sales, who do you most admire and why? Alec Paul. Top resource for thought leaders and companies to build and monetize their brands on LinkedIn.
What are your top ten tips for someone looking to optimize their LinkedIn profile for sales – your golden advice set? Post fresh relevant content on a consistent schedule.
What are the primary considerations that companies should be aware of regarding their employees’ representation on LinkedIn? Set reasonable guidelines and give employees the autonomy to act within them.
Do you believe companies should provide specific training for employees to utilize LinkedIn effectively? Should this be a standard part of a salesperson’s induction/onboarding process? LinkedIn training (on both effective outreach and content creation ) should be an integral part of every sales organization’s training plan. I wouldn’t necessarily provide it as part of onboarding. Sellers have enough to learn at that time.
Can you share some case studies or examples of how a well-crafted LinkedIn profile has significantly impacted a company’s sales or networking capabilities? It’s the content that’s key. Pavilion uses LinkedIn very effectively.
How do you balance showcasing your hobbies and interests on LinkedIn, ensuring it complements your professional brand? It’s okay to be personal on LinkedIn. If it’s authentic to you. And not promotional.
For listeners eager to learn more, what’s the best way to connect with you on LinkedIn or other platforms?
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