Episode #394: Angela Dunz

Be Passionate on Your LinkedIn Profile


Angela Dunz

Angela calls herself The “Accidental Entrepreneur,” having moved to the San Francisco Bay Area with her shiny new MBA and dreams of being a CMO. Instead, she started her own business. Angela is the #LinkedInBadass sharing her expertise in Business Development, Professional Branding, Visibility & Optimization on LinkedIn. Without a website, she built her entire vibrant business using free LinkedIn! She is a former Rock Climbing Guide and lives in Marin where the hiking and the weather are fabulous. Being from Wisconsin, she is a diehard Packer Fan and shareholder. 

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When someone searches for your name in Google, LinkedIn is usually the first result. Take advantage of that opportunity. If you don’t provide someone with a great LinkedIn profile, why would they waste their time on you? 

Angela Dunz primarily works with attorneys. And according to the research, 94% of people look at an attorney’s LinkedIn profile before their website. Learn how to make good use of that real estate in this episode of Sales Reinvented.

Outline of This Episode

  • [1:11] Why a compelling LinkedIn profile is important
  • [3:12] Above-the-fold curb appeal is important
  • [6:29] How to tell your professional story on LinkedIn
  • [7:30] Balancing professionalism and personality 
  • [8:56] How often to update your LinkedIn profile 
  • [10:30] Tools to build a better LinkedIn profile
  • [13:20] Angela’s top LinkedIn profile dos and don’ts 
  • [16:07] Focus on what you’re passionate about

Above-the-fold curb appeal is important

Angela emphasizes that the above-the-fold curb appeal is important. You have five seconds to make a good first impression. If your headline doesn’t clarify who you serve and the problem you solve, the reader will move on. 

That’s why your default headline shouldn’t be your title. Use language specific to your audience. What will create trust and likability? If you’re saying things like “I’m going to improve your bottom line” it won’t do it. 

Be concrete and clear. What is your special something? People don’t do business with glass buildings, we do business with people. What creates trust, likability, and connection? How would they benefit from working with you? 

Angela also focuses on optimization. Her clients need to come up in the right searches for the right opportunities. Your LinkedIn profile is a micro-website and needs to be optimized as if it were your website. It has its own parameters and priorities for search. It’s far easier to figure out than Google and is worth the time and effort.

How often to update your LinkedIn profile

The way we do business is constantly changing. If you’re not updating your profile quarterly, you’re missing opportunities. Have you written a book? Do you have new products and services? Refresh your banner and update your headline. Write posts that highlight those things. Post a new infographic. Make sure there’s always something new and valuable to your audience. Train them to use you as a resource. 

Angela’s top LinkedIn profile dos and don’ts 

Angela shares some on-point tips: 

  • Show up and show up often; The more you do the more visible you’ll be.
  • Use a headshot that looks professional, friendly, approachable. Be someone they have to talk to.
  • Your banner is the biggest piece of real estate you have—take advantage of it. Too many people don’t use the space at all. Use it to create an emotional connection with your ideal clients.
  • Don’t get jazzed up and do everything for a week and then leave it untouched for a month. Whatever you do, be consistent. Algorithms reward consistency. 
  • If you have something to say, make sure it adds value to your referral partners or ideal clients. Make sure your comment is relevant and adds to the conversation. 

Focus on what you’re passionate about

Angela started working with an appellate attorney. He ignored LinkedIn until he heard a colleague saw success with it. So he decided to dive into thought leadership.

They made his profile client-focused. He shared client stories. He was passionate about reducing domestic gun violence, so they started publishing content on Supreme Court and State Court rulings that had to do with that topic. 

For every article he published, they ran a campaign. He has 1,000 people in his network. His first article had 2,000 views and 200 comments. That one article generated connections and got him into the right conversations with the right people.

What are you passionate about? That’s how people identify with you. Don’t be afraid to let your passion and personality shine through. Don’t be afraid to ask others to promote things that are meaningful to you.

Resources & People Mentioned

Connect with Angela Dunz

Connect With Paul Watts


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Learn More About Angela Dunz

Are there any definitive guides or resources you recommend for crafting an effective LinkedIn profile?

Hard question to answer. I think your profile is so personal, so business model and industry specific that it’s hard. Your Profile should drive your business goals and those are unique to each person. A ‘cookie cutter’ approach doesn’t work. Many try, many fail. Looking at industry leaders and making decisions that are authentic to you is best. 

In the realm of LinkedIn branding and sales, who do you most admire and why?

I’m an introvert. I do not like ‘in your face’ pitching. Value add. Relationship Nurturing. Those are my approaches. So many of the Branding and Sales “gurus” are extreme extroverts. Michelle Griffin, Robert Knop, Brenda Meller, Richard Van Der Blom come to mind. 

What are your top ten tips for someone looking to optimize their LinkedIn profile for sales – your golden advice set?

  1. Clean up your Skills Section 1st. Most of us have old, outdated keywords that we are being found for daily – bad for business. 
  2. Get your best keywords in your Headline. It is weighted more heavily for Optimization
  3. Use Creator Mode. Get your Top 5 quintessential keyword phrases in there, ASAP. 
  4. Go through your past work experience. Focus on soft and transferablle skills that compliment what you are doing now. Get rid of keywords that don’t supplement what you are doing now. 
  5. Use the Featured Section. The algorithms care less about your keywords and far more about your links and media. Refresh often. 
  6. Add media and photos under work experience
  7. Guest Podcast. There is nothing ‘stickier’ on LinkedIn than a podcast. All those links? Are you kidding me? The algorithms love that. 
  8. Use your company page. Share to it, share from it. 
  9. Be sure to have 3 weblinks in your contact info. Website, blog page, YouTube Channel, portfolio, online article, scheduling link, landing pages… 
  10. If you are a Public Speaker, add a Speaker page for yourself. Or Author! 

What are the primary considerations that companies should be aware of regarding their employees’ representation on LinkedIn?

The Banner. #1opportunity for Brand recognition and professionalism on individual profiles. The exact wording of employee titles. So much has changed here. Be sure your titles reflect your brand and the employees function. 

    Do you believe companies should provide specific training for employees to utilize LinkedIn effectively? Should this be a standard part of a salesperson’s induction/onboarding process?

    Hell yes! And not just the sales team. I have seen office admins become the best brand advocates for their company. When everyone is doing consistent, well branded brand advocacy, everyone wins. I have done tons of staff trainings. Not only are they massively fun, the ideas and synergy created lasts for a long time. It’s infectious, in a good way! All of a sudden everyone is doing business development. 

    Can you share some case studies or examples of how a well-crafted LinkedIn profile has significantly impacted a company’s sales or networking capabilities?

    I worked with a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst recently. Heavy Co. compliance. After we worked together an Attorney colleague of hers referred her name and 2 others to his client. The client came back and said she only wanted to work with my client. That was based on looking at only the 3 LinkedIn Profile. She hadn’t reached out to anyone yet. 

    If you don’t care about your profile, why should anyone care about you? If your profile is all about you, why would anyone want to do business with you? Your profile is about what you can do for others. 

    LinkedIn is constantly evolving. Are there any new features or strategies that you’re currently delving into or recommend sales professionals should explore?”

    Verification. There are so many fake profiles on LinkedIn and we have become very wary. Some of us are inappropriately pitched daily. Use verification to prove you are at least a legitimate person. Use employer verification to show you actually work for who you say you work for. 

    Name pronunciation. If you have a name that is challenging to pronounce, record yourself on your mobile saying your own name and say, “Hi!” Names are important. 

    I’ve already mentioned Creator Mode and the Featured Section

    How do you balance showcasing your hobbies and interests on LinkedIn, ensuring it complements your professional brand?

    Business is personal. Until people can relate to you as a human being, it’s hard to do much business. I can post what I think is the most Golden Gem of LI wisdom and get some engagement. If I post something personal that is relevant and well related to business or just plain funny, that engagement is a 3 – 5X. 

    Key points, 1) only share personal info when it IS relevant and business related. 2) Do it sparingly, 1 – 3Xs per month until you get good results. Depends on the frequency of your posting strategy. 

    For listeners eager to learn more, what’s the best way to connect with you on LinkedIn or other platforms?

    Definitely connect with me on LI! I have a weekly newsletter on marketing and Biz Dev on LI. It’s a little quirky and irreverent. I might throw in something about the Green Bay Packers at times. And, if you are curious about LI KPI’s, learn more here

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