Episode 178: Dionne Mischler

Dionne Mischler
Dionne Mischler is a 20+ year veteran of sales and technology; she works with organizations to teach, educate, and mentor in all things Inside Sales with a focus on blending the quantitative and qualitative.
Our Mission Is To Change The Negative Perception Of Sales People
Our Vision Is A World Where Selling Is A Profession To Be Proud Of
Cultivating personal productivity is something that takes practice and persistence. You must be disciplined and have the drive it takes to reach your goals. How do you learn where to focus your energy? What activities and processes should be front and center? Dionne Mischler joins Paul in this episode of Sales Reinvented to share her opinion on productivity.
Dionne is the founder and CEO of Inside Sales by Design and specializes in helping clients achieve their goals. She is passionate about sales and driving results and outcomes. With over two decades of sales experience, her insight is a welcome addition to this episode!
Outline of This Episode
- [0:20] Dionne Mischler Joins Paul.
- [0:45] What is productivity?
- [1:10] Why is productivity important?
- [2:10] Why aren’t salespeople productive?
- [3:20] Hone and own your craft
- [5:00] Success is about mindset
- [6:10] The value of pen and paper
- [7:30] Top 3 do’s and don’ts
- [9:10] Dionne’s favorite productivity story
Discipline and Focus are crucial to personal productivity
Salespeople have a bad rep for being “ADD” and jumping from one shiny object to another. But successful sales professionals are disciplined and focused. They follow Dionne’s definition of productivity: being engaged in the right activities at the right time with the right intention.
Dionne points out that things will come up that you want to run by product or marketing—but that they don’t need to be done now. Focus your energy and stay engaged in selling activities for the right length of time. Only then should you attend to other tasks.
Owning and honing your craft
Dionne points out that If you work in sales, closing a deal is glorified. The arrival mentality. What’s not focused on is the blood, sweat, and tears that go into a customer saying “yes”. There’s pre-call planning, rehearsing and proactive. You have to educate the customer on your product and advocate for its usefulness.
Dionne notes that “people don’t see the sweat equity that goes into making it look effortless.”
To hone your craft and get to the point where your prospects consistently say yes, you must invest in career development. Dionne recommends choosing a skill every month and focus on improving that skill. You get to decide if you’ll become the next-level professional by the time you’re willing to invest to get there.
Pen and paper drive productivity
Dionne advocates for utilizing pen and paper as a productivity tool. They don’t run out of batteries and serve up endless distractions. There is value in sitting down with a blank page and sketching out a plan for the future.
What are your goals for the year? The next quarter? What about the upcoming month or next day?
She has her clients sit down and go through this process as well. Dionne believes it helps develop the right mindset and lays out a plan for productivity. If you pinpoint a theme you want to carry throughout the year it can make a huge impact.
You can’t soar with the eagles if you’re hanging out with turkeys
Dionne points out that iron sharpens iron. Don’t engage with people who don’t sharpen you or push you towards greatness. Sure you can hang out with coworkers or have the occasional lunch with a friend. But focus on developing relationships that drive you to be better at what you do. Be intentional with all of your time and the activities you invest that time in. After all, you can’t soar with the eagles if you’re hanging out with the turkeys.
To hear Dionne’s top 3 productivity do’s and top 3 don’ts as well as her favorite story, listen to the whole episode now.
Connect with Dionne Mischler
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More About Dionne Mischler
What was the last book you read?
The Pursuit of Excellence by George Sweeting and The Visual MBA by Jason Barron
Who / What inspires you?
Living a life of excellence. It’s easy to be mediocre and lazy; it’s much harder to be great…and far more rewarding.
Are there any aspects of your own productivity skills that you are working on improving at the moment?
Staying focused and motivated!
Hobbies, Interests?
working with my Belgian Malinois, having fun with my kids and raising them to be people of character and integrity, reading, staying active
How can our listeners contact with you?
Call me: 949-505-2867
Email: Dionne.Mischler(at)InsideSalesbyDesign.com,
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